One just wasn’t enough… back for another day at Indian Springs. So yesterday, we grabbed some rides and headed upstream. Vis at the 20ft/6m mark might have been a bit better than the day before. Clear, but milky with slight green tint in the cave. Gets slightly better upstream of the breakdown room at 2000′. Nice slow scooter run out to a little bit past end of gold line.
Massive, white-walled passages, with turns and undulations that make it seem more like water-sculpted ice rather than rock. Amazing contrasts with the black rocks of the Bone Necrosis room and other areas against the otherwise pure, white cave.
On surfacing, we were joined by not one, but two, baby gators. While the gopro isn’t the best camera for long distance shots, here’s at least “proof of gator.”

Mer, PZ, and Grif in the Indian Springs basin with one of “our little (gator) friends” in the background
QOTD: “So where’s Mama gator?” “Right behind you.”