Here’s what some of Wet Rocks Diving’s past students, guidees, and mentored divers have to say:
Mentored Divers/Coaching Clients
Cave 1 Students
Advanced & Rescue (Rec 2) Students
Learn-to-Dive (Rec 1) Students
Fundamentals Students
Guidees: OW and Cave
Mentored Divers
G.N., experienced tech diver, new to cave diving:
“For this experienced ocean but new cave diver Meredith has been providing keen mentorship as I learn to dive in this unique (and uniquely unforgiving) environment. Her extensive knowledge of the local systems allows the selection of dives that are challenging yet still within my experience level. Thorough pre and post dive briefings and a solid example to follow have made me into a better cave diver.”
Phil Pfeiffer, Johnson City, TN, Full cave diver returning from a multi-year cave diving break:
Meredith brought me up to speed on a variety of protocols that I’d half-learned; taught me a variety of principles that I’d not known about; consistently showed patience with my questions and missteps; and helped me to appreciate the beauty and accessibility of a system that I’d more or less avoided due to its depth. I would, without hesitation, recommend her as a guide, and would be honored, should circumstances permit, to dive with her again.
J.S., South Florida, experienced deep wreck diver, coaching/guiding post intro-to-cave:
Meredith Tanguay is a model instructor and a credit to the professional dive community. She patiently breaks down cave diving skills and dive plans using a step by step approach aided by clear illustrations. Safety protocol, including equipment checks, emergency procedures, and dive plan review precede each and every dive prior to descent. I highly recommend Meredith as a dive guide, instructor, and mentor.
Students – Cave
J.G., GUE Cave 1 Graduate:
Debriefing a Cave 1 class dive at Ginnie’s Devil’s Ear System, in North Florida. Image courtesy of Warren Lo
Meredith has been my go-to instructor for Fundamentals all the way up through this cave 1 class. Meredith always takes the time to ensure her students are enjoying themselves and learning as much as possible in the time. My in water comfort, stability, trim and skills in the overhead have increased tenfold since she started teaching me. The pace of the class was challenging but not overly difficult, she’s introduced me to some of the most amazing things I’ve ever seen above or below water. I can’t wait to get back down to Florida for my next cave trip. Her in water and on land debriefs are to the point and she is always looking closely at the details to improve all in water skills.
I can’t recommend Meredith enough whether its your first scuba dive ever, if you’re looking to up your game with Fundamental skills or move into the overhead.
V.L., GUE Cave 1 Graduate:
There are many things that I was looking for in this course and I can confidently say that it met and exceeded all of them. As an instructor, Mer was able to read us well, and know how far to push us at each point in our training, she adapted the material to meet our needs, spending more time on things we weren’t quite as quick on, and taking us thoroughly, but without delay through the content we were both already knowledgeable in. She was also good at challenging us on concepts and drills that we thought we knew but maybe didn’t quite understand all the underlying principles. Overall this was a fantastic course and I am most certainly a better diver because of it.
P.W., Full Cave diver of 24 years, GUE Cave 1 Graduate:
[Mer’s] thoroughness and attention to detail were very impactful to me. I thought our time in the water was very well utilized with a good balance between going on a cave dive and managing an equipment or an environmental challenge. Additionally, I really liked the attention on individual and team focus points prior to each dive. Other areas of the course I really liked are: Video feedback on propulsion and trim, Layering approach to equipment failures, and Field work… The class exceeded my expectations in every way and my only regret is that I didn’t take it sooner.
Mike Durell, Divemaster, GUE Cave 1 Graduate:
I had been diving for a few years and had a couple hundred dives prior to taking Fundamentals with Meredith. It was the most challenging dive class I had taken up to that point and I initially received a Provisional. However, she worked with me and I was able to upgrade to a Tech pass in doubles a couple months later. When I became interested in taking Cave 1, it wasn’t even a question that I would take her course based upon my experience in Fundamentals. I recently passed Cave 1 and my opinion of her hasn’t changed. She is an excellent diver and teacher with a strong passion for what she does and it shows during class. I would recommend her to anyone who wants to dramatically improve their diving skill set and is willing to put in the work and take constructive feedback.”
Randy Mintz, Recreational Instructor, GUE Cave 1 Graduate:
“After taking several GUE courses with Meredith, she has proven herself once again with her superb teaching abilities and patience. Not only did she challenge my personal limits but allowed me to reach a level of performance I never considered possible.”
HJG, Certified Full Cave (non-GUE), GUE Cave 1 Graduate:
“As a certified cave diver, I did fundies in 2019 and knew from then that I would be re-doing cave training with GUE (and Mer). I appreciate GUE’s commitment to excellence and attention to detail in many aspects of scuba diving. Even in my Cave 1 class, there were aspects in various details (reel running, for example — can you imagine!) that were not covered in my original cave training. As far as I’m concerned, Mer is a fantastic representative of GUE and GUE’s systematic and logical approach to handling failures and pretty much everything else means that they’re the best in the business in an area of scuba diving that one should not venture into lightly.”
Kyle Cooper, GUE Tech 1 Diver, GUE Cave 1 Graduate with Wet Rocks:
“I did Cave 1 with Mer. Her guidance and ability to modify her method of instruction among a diverse group of divers with different learning styles was incredible! Her robust online materials prepared me before in-person mentorship and enhanced my learning experience. Mer’s character and intellect make her my top choice for future courses!”
Tina Dow, GUE Cave 1 Graduate:
“How do I even find the words to describe the experience of the last seven days. Andy and I got to spend a week in the water with the amazing underwater Ninja, Meredith Tanguay. At times the challenges seemed overwhelming, but the reward was worth it. Meredith, I cannot thank you enough for helping us gain the skills to explore your underwater paradise. I couldn’t be more proud to officially be a GUE cave diver!”
Students – Advanced & Rescue (GUE Rec 2)
Anneleen V, GUE Rec 1 and Rec 2 Graduate:
With an ever-present focus on technical skills and drills as well as consistently high expectations for what we could achieve, Meredith then customized our lessons to fit what we each needed. Her style and methods helped me greatly to pick up lots of new technical points while feeling comfortable and assured of my abilities as a GUE diver. Thanks, Mer!
Students – Learn-to-Dive (GUE Rec 1)
Y.G., GUE Rec 1 Graduate:
My experience during Rec 1 with Meredith was truly amazing. I entered the course excited but with very little knowledge of how to dive safely. I feel like at the end of this intense six day course I was knowledgeable on the importance of safety and buddy skills during recreational dives and was able to comfortably dive within my diving certification limitations and I have gotten many compliments on my diving skills. The skills I acquired and the patient and knowledgeable instruction I received will always be a part of my diving.
M.R., GUE Rec 1 Graduate:
I really feel the program, and Mer’s instruction, was the best way for me to learn diving and I know others would benefit from it too.
M.C., experienced GUE Tech/DPV diver, on his friend’s experience GUE’s Rec 1:
Last year I had the opportunity to observe and participate for part of my friend’s GUE Recreational Diver 1 course. The course was extremely comprehensive with both the in water time as well as the academics and theory of diving principles. I found it amazing to see my friend evolve from a non-diver into a diver with a solid and stable platform by the end of the class. It’s truly amazing how much one can learn and progress when they are a blank slate without any bad habits to try to break. What really impressed me is at the conclusion of my friend’s Rec 1 class that he was able to understand and calculate minimum gas, formulate and execute detailed dive plans, and understand minimum decompression, all things that I wish I had learned myself in my open water class many years back. Knowing what I know now, this class is some of the best time and money spent in your diving. Rec 1 is a comprehensive learn to dive course that will lay the foundation for enjoyable safe diving.
Students – Fundamentals
A.D., experienced diver, new drysuit diver, GUE Fundamentals Graduate:
Mer’s enthusiasm and passion for diving is contagious. She provides students with valuable insights and pro-tips that can only come from someone who is truly a master in the art. Her Fundamentals class is very challenging, yet also very rewarding; and I highly recommend it for any level of diver. I can’t thank her enough for her patience and professionalism and I look forward to more classes with her in the future.”
D.H. GUE Fundamentals Graudate:
“The class with Max in High Springs was excellent. The material and the dives where fun and challenging. Having a great instructor made all the difference in helping me to achieve my goals.”
P.M., experienced tropical diver, new drysuit diver, GUE Fundamentals Student:
“Meredith is the epitome of what I consider to be the perfect instructor: she has a Great attitude, is Uber-knowledgeable, and her Engaging teaching style is both fun and extremely informative. GUE all the way!”
J.W. and A.F., GUE Fundamentals Graduates:
“I’d like to again say thank you to Mer and Max for your patience, tutelage, and mentorship during Fundies. We both learned a ton, and we’re looking forward to moving ahead in the DIR style. A.F summed the value of the experience up best when she said that she was finally comfortable again in the water for the first time since getting back into the sport over a year ago. I look forward to continuing to grow with both you and GUE as I move forward in my diving.”
Allen Beard, experienced cave diver, GUE Fundamentals Graduate:
“GUE Fundamentals was a great course and I was constantly challenged. Meredith’s tireless enthusiasm and teaching skills contributed to our success in the class. Her presentation of the class modules and command of the subject matter was excellent and very professional.”
James Garrett, experienced cave diver, GUE Fundamentals Graduate:
“I gained a lot from Meredith’s Fundamentals course. The class was about striving to get from point A to B, not necessarily stopping at meeting standards, nor focusing on it when you’re below, but rather improving every skill no matter where you began. I found her step by step breakdowns and land practice of every skill very useful. Mer’s use of video as well as her encouraging and enthusiastic (even underwater!) teaching style made the class a very comfortable place for learning.”
James K, experienced sidemount cave diver, GUE Fundamentals Graduate:
“The class was great. Meredith is a great teacher. Her classroom presence and teaching style are very good. Her in water skills are what you expect of a GUE instructor. Underwater instructions were clear and concise, and feedback was honest and constructive. So, after 11 years of cave diving, what could I possibly learn? Well, a lot in my opinion. All in all, a great class and well worth it, even for this old dog. What I learned will carry on with me in all my diving.”
Phil Getto, new recreational diver, GUE Fundamentals Graduate:
Mer and Sam did a great job with our “Fundies” class; they are extremely skilled divers and instructors. They patiently handled our extensive questions, graciously provided multiple explanations to clarify difficult concepts in the classroom, and respectfully and honestly gave us feedback on our diving skills. Fundies was very challenging for this relatively inexperienced diver (25 dives prior), but I very much enjoyed it as I learned to work in a team, significantly improved my skills and gained enough awareness to continue refining my diving. I would strongly recommend both Mer and Sam and look forward to working and diving with them in the future. It was fun!
B. Baltzegar, experienced recreational diver, GUE Fundamentals Graduate:
I continually get compliments on my diving these days. The lessons learned in Fundamentals have been a huge benefit.
K.S., experienced recreational diver and dive professional, GUE Fundamentals Graduate:
Diving is fun again! My buddy said he can’t believe how good my trim has become in such a short while. He said one course made incredible change and I have to say, coming to Mer’s class was the best choice ever. She gave me the keys to the secret world of technical hobbits!
M.K., cave/tech diver, Buddy of a GUE Fundamentals Graduate:
Thanks for all! We especially discussed about Mer being the only person to be able to make real corrective actions to her center of weight and balance. Nobody’s dared to make such changes taking into account different physiological aspects as being very short person.
K.H., recreational diver, GUE Fundamentals Student:
After 20+ years of diving I wish I had just started with GUE to begin with. Mer is very hardworking and focused. She is quick to tailor the training to the students based on need and their individual progress. I didn’t even realize how much I had picked up until I started making my first dives after class – what a difference. I will be back.
Randy Tatum-Mintz, recreational instructor/diver, GUE Fundamentals Graduate:
“Meredith has the ability to find weaknesses that you never knew existed and improve upon them with a clear plan. Very motivating to progress onward with new challenges.”
Anon., experienced instructor, GUE Fundamentals Graduate:
“I was good. This class made me better.”
M.C & L.C., recreational divers, destination divers, GUE Fundamentals Graduates:
“Thanks to you, since our Fundies class, we always get complimented with our diving skills when we travel. They usually think we’re tech and get asked where we learned to dive.”
A.L & J.L., experienced recreational divers, GUE-Fundamentals Graduates:
Mer is awesome! Our class with her was by far the best investment of scuba money we’ve done.
Heidi G, scuba instructor and cave diver, GUE-Fundamentals Graduate:
“Meredith is a fantastic (and more importantly, FUN) instructor with lots of patience. They’re long days and the learning curve can be steep, but if you go into the course with an open mind, you’ll get as much out of the course as the effort that you put in. You’ll come out of the fundies course knowing what you need to work on and I’m personally looking forward to continuing my education with Mer in the future!”
B.W., recreational diver, GUE Fundamentals-Tech Graduate:
“I learned a lot this week and look forward to continuing to improve. Video shots are very useful and the daily feedback and what to focus on during the next dive greatly assisted me in getting better. Thanks for the great instruction, constructive feedback and challenges along the way. I grew as a diver this week more than any other course I’ve taken.”
Annika Persson, cave diving tour of North Florida & Florida Panhandle:
The really major positive feedback – is trust and professionalism, everything in a relaxed, fun and comfortable setting.
Specifically one thing that makes me come back for guided diving with Mer – is Mer´s general sound diving attitude and her skills of presenting both the plans and detailed briefings in a organised way. A kind of way that is just giving it the truth – not more or less. By this I mean for example, explaining the look of a restriction or explaining the flow strength, visibility or explaining the realism of how far we can travel (swim!) into the cave etc. No one has ever explained the plans for the dives nor the post briefing in such a good way, as Mer with maps.
I´d not hesitate in recommending any experience level of cave diver to join Mer underground!
Michael G., Indian Springs Guidee, cave diving in Florida Panhandle:
“Being experienced cave divers my buddy and I had wanted to dive Indian Springs for quite sometime. Upon contacting Meredith she organised our two days diving flawlessly. The dives were absolutely fantastic and we could not recommend Meredith highly enough.”
S.P.K., recreational dives in Kona, Hawaii:
“She is a proven professional! As a Marine Infantry Officer that has been diving for 15 years, I was humbled by Meredith’s diving acumen. Dive off of Kona she took me on where we saw a humpback whale was utterly amazing!”
C.W. and A.M, recreational dives in Kona, Hawaii:
“Meredith Tanguay’s skills both in water and out are some of the best my wife and I have ever seen. Recently my wife and I dove with Meredith while on vacation in Hawaii. She took the time to organize all aspects of the dive, which made our vacation that much more enjoyable.”
C.W., cave diving in North Florida:
“I have also dove with Meredith many times on technical excursions in the Florida cave systems. From simple back-gas dives, to multi-stage decompression scooter adventures. Each experience was safe, extremely well planned and most importantly fun. Super kick-ass fun dat mer can plan one hell of an adventure. “
Graham Blackmore, cave diving in North Florida:
“I recently had the pleasure of diving with Meredith in Ginnie – we visited the insulation room which is a dive I have wanted to do for a long time. She very professionally briefed and lead the dive allowing us to successfully and safely complete our dive. Highly recommended!”
J.G., cave diving in North Florida:
“Wet Rocks Diving organized two days of guided dives, with her insight and knowledge of the region, conditions and how well she knew me she chose two excellent sites that showcased the diversity of north Florida cave diving. They showed me caves I hadn’t had the chance to check out yet in a safe and relaxed atmosphere. If you are even fairly familiar with the region it definitely pays to have Mer and Wet Rocks Diving as a guide for a trip and I look forward to booking more trips with her in the future.”
George A., intro-to-cave diving in North Florida:
“Mer lives and breathes underwater. She is an amazing GUE instructor and cave guide with tremendous knowledge about the systems in High Springs, FL. She will safely guide you in a friendly, but professional manner inside the most popular, as well as least famous, cave country systems. I really enjoyed the vacation-style pace she gives to each day, not rushing you to finish the dives or feeling pressed. Mer will also give you extremely useful feedback about your configuration, and tips to become a better cave diver. She is also an amazing cinematographer for your captures. I highly recommend Mer as your guide for your next trip in cave country.”
Indian Springs Guidee, cave diving in Florida Panhandle:
“The detailed description of the expected dive conditions and safety focus items covered at the briefing allowed the team to execute a timely and efficient cave entry and start the dive with everyone on the same page. It permitted the team to maximize the time spent enjoying the amazing scope and magnitude of the Indian Springs cave versus losing time in arranging resources during the start of the dive.”
Potential students, guidees, or mentees wishing to speak with one of Mer’s current/past clients, please email us for references.