2024-2025 Training Update


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Updated: 21 May 2024 – expect more updates in 2-4 weeks Calendar Showing Available Seats The most reliable place to see available class dates and seats for Wet Rocks classes is here. Feel free to email us to add a class as well! Update on upcoming … Continue reading

Fall 2022 – 2023 Training Update


This gallery contains 1 photo.

Updated: 8 Nov 2022 Calendar Showing Available Seats The most reliable place to see available class dates and seats for Wet Rocks classes is here. Feel free to email us to add a class as well! Update on upcoming Wet … Continue reading

2021-2022 Training Update


This gallery contains 1 photo.

Updated: Oct 2021 It’s been super busy during COVID and as things are opening back up. Running classes outside of Florida is still… complicated. But we are starting to look into them more as vaccination rates go up and positivity … Continue reading