2024-2025 Training Update


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Updated: 21 May 2024 – expect more updates in 2-4 weeks Calendar Showing Available Seats The most reliable place to see available class dates and seats for Wet Rocks classes is here. Feel free to email us to add a class as well! Update on upcoming … Continue reading

Cure for Wedding-cake-itis…


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The plethora of white decorations at Nahoch Na Chich are beautiful; but, sometimes you need some variety. Yesterday Cenote Naharon delivered. The Naranjal system is now considered part of the larger Sistema Sac Actun. Naharon offered us some great halocline experiences: … Continue reading

It’s Like Someone Went Insane While Frosting a Wedding Cake!


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Kevin and I visited it Nohoch Na Chich, part of Sistema Sac Actun, yesterday. Thousands and thousands of feet of low flow, white speleothem, highly-decorated cave…. at an average depth of 15ft. Hours and hours until you hit turn pressure!