2024-2025 Training Update

Updated: 21 May 2024 – expect more updates in 2-4 weeks

Calendar Showing Available Seats

The most reliable place to see available class dates and seats for Wet Rocks classes is here. Feel free to email us to add a class as well!

Update on upcoming Wet Rocks Diving class seats and classes forming. Seats are current as of this writing, but check the calendar linked above for the most up-to-date information.

FUNDIES with Max in Miami

  • Taking interest lists to form additional Miami Fundamentals classes done as a 4-day course or as two 2-day parts for late 2024

CAVE 1 with Mer in High Springs

  • Sept 29, 2024, two seats remain (some date flex)
  • Nov 18, 2024 – class slot available (date negotiable)
  • Jan 6, 2025 – class slot available (date negotiable)
  • Taking interest lists for Fall 2024 and Winter/Spring 2025

CAVE 2 with Mer in High Springs

  • Nov 18, 2024 – class slot available (date negotiable)
  • Jan 6, 2025 – class slot available (date negotiable)
  • April 7, 2025 – two seats remain (date negotiable)
  • Taking interest lists for Fall 2024 and Winter/Spring 2025

CAVE DPV with Mer in High Springs

  • Nov 18, 2024 – class slot available (date negotiable)
  • Dec 9, 2024 – FULL pending deposits
  • Jan 6, 2025 – class slot available (date negotiable)
  • Inquire to schedule in Fall 2024 or any time in 2025

TECH 1 – Ft Lauderdale area or Bonaire with Mer

  • mid-June 2024, Ft. Lauderdale, FL – available class slot for a S FL class
  • Jan 20, 2025, Bonaire – class slot available (date negotiable)
  • Tech class seeking one additional teammate with date TBD, likely Bonaire
  • May 12, 2025 – Ft Lauderdale, FL – available class slot for a S FL class

DPV1 with Max in Miami

  • Class with date TBD, one seat remains
  • Taking interest lists to form additional Miami area DPV1 classes

Learn-to-Dive/REC 1 with Max

  • Miami or combo High Springs/Miami – taking interest lists for 2024

REC 2 with Max in Miami (Rec 2 covers all topics of Advanced OW and more. Rec 2 = Nav Primer + Rescue Primer + Deep Primer, with each primer being ~2 days)

  • 100ft “Deep” Primer, TBD, FULL
  • Taking interest lists for 2024 (for individual primers for the full Rec 2 program)

FUNDIES co-taught by Mer and Instructor Candidates

  • Taking interest lists for 2024 for Fundies for divers from the mid-west, mid-Atlantic, and northeast only.
  • Classes will be grouped by divers and co-Instructor from the same region
  • Classes are to be held in High Springs in colder months and in the actual region (quarries/lakes) in July, Aug, or Sept


Info Sessions

GUE training is unlike almost any other course you’ve ever taken in the diving world. There’s a lot to learn about in order to figure out if it’s right for you (and it’s not for everyone). We hold periodic free Info Sessions over Zoom. During this session we cover:

  • what is this GUE course about
  • how to figure out if it’s right for you
  • what to expect
  • the methodology used
  • how to prepare and common equipment questions
  • the Wet Rocks Diving difference <– there are some awesome new benefits here
  • COVID-related modifications and protocols

We will be holding periodic free Info Sessions for Cave and Tech students, during which we’ll discuss:

  • Which first: cave or tech? — pros and cons of different course-orders
  • Where to train? — pros and cons of different class locations
  • How to prepare — for Tech or Cave and how that prep is a little different for the two classes
  • The Wet Rocks Online Learning Process <— there is some neat NEW stuff here!
  • A preview of Wet-Rocks-Only student resources
  • COVID precautions
  • Next steps

Email us here to be invited to the next GUE Fundamentals Info Session, it’s free!

Email us here if interested in GUE Recreational courses

Email us here to be invited to the next GUE Cave/Tech Info Session, it’s free!

1 thought on “2024-2025 Training Update

  1. Hi Mer and Max! If love to join your next cave/tech info session. Fundies rec multiple primer graduate looking to grow and possibly eventually teach!

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