The North Florida Springs Alliance (NFSA), a nonprofit citizen support group for several local State Parks, sends a request for volunteers in late March and April, on weekends.
Volunteers Needed for Peacock Springs
If you have been to Wes Skiles Peacock Springs State Park you might have noticed several facilities in need of repair. The NFSA is working with the Florida Park Service to make the repairs. The stairs leading from the deck to the water at P1 are falling apart, and the NFSA will be rebuilding them. We will begin work on March 25 (your help is needed) and will be working on Saturdays and Sundays for at least 5 weekends to get everything done. We will work on one side at a time in order to allow diver access during construction.
Other improvements are also planned. Donations to the NFSA are always appreciated.
More importantly, we will need your help throughout the project. If we get 5 or 6 volunteers for each day (more are needed on the first day), the construction will go faster. Construction experience is not needed and lunch will be provided.
So if you have some free time anytime in the next 5 weekends? Come volunteer at Peacock Springs in North Florida to repair water-access stairs and add improvements that benefit divers.
For more information, please visit the NFSA Facebook Group or email us to be put in contact with the point person on this project.